You are currently browsing the monthly archive for May 2010.

Why am I starting this blog?  We’ve learned that we may be moving to Salerno.  When the opportunity came up, the first thing I did was search for web sites, forums or blogs (in English) about moving to and living in Salerno, Italy.  I didn’t find much.    I’ll also be moving far, far away from my family (sniff) and want a way to let them know what is going on with our family… ok, ok … its really for the grandparents.  They will want to  know what is going on with our kids, Duilio (5 years) and Russell (4 years).  We realize that we don’t really rate anymore.     Lastly, I always thought the concept of blogging was interesting but didn’t feel I had anything worthwhile to write about. 

It may be a slow start but should pick up once we actually move over.

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